Md. Hafiz Sikder
Assistant Manager (Research)
Area of Expertise: Proposal Writing, Data Management, Event Management, SPSS, STATA, SurveyCTO, MATLAB, LTSpice, and C
Joins MOMODa: 01/06/2022
BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2021) – Green University of Bangladesh
1. Transfer Learning Based Human Facial Emotion Detection Using CNN (Undergrad Thesis)
2. Kahoot A Game-Based Learning Tool in Online Classes for Effective Engagement and Formative Assessment (Under Review)
3. Impact Study of Online Assessment Methods Facilitating Blended Learning towards Inclusion and Equity (Conference Proceedings) – 6th International Conference on Equity and Inclusion in Education May 2022
4. Exploring the Teaching-Learning Practices of Higher Education in the 21st Century: A Study on Private Universities of Bangladesh (Ongoing)
Short Bio:
Md Hafiz Sikder is a graduate of the Green University of Bangladesh. He was one of the toppers in his class. He joined MOMODa FOUNDATION soon after his Graduation in 2022.
Mr. Sikder was one of the first Research Assistants and Interns at the Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL), where he learned the ABC of Academic Research under renowned researcher Dr. ASM Shihavuddin, Chairman, Department of EEE, GUB and Arifa Rahman, Ph.D. candidate, Australia. He was one of the top performers at Green University Initiatives for Future Transformers (GIFT), a 1-year long soft skill development course by CETL.
Mr. Sikder was awarded various awards for his academic and co-curricular activities. He was Awarded “Mete Uthi Medha Ullashe Awar 2014 by Green University of Bangladesh”. During his undergrad, he won the British Council Book Reading Completion (Top Scorer), Allrounder Award (Department of EEE), Ashar Alo Scholarship, The Brightest Minds Scholarship, VC Awards, and Dean Awards.
Md Hafiz Sikder was the Cultural Secretary of the EEE club, and Dance Related Secretary of the Cultural Club for consecutive 3 Years. He was the 1st Vice President of Leo Club of Dhaka One Engineers District 315A1. Currently, he is pursuing a 1-year long course on teaching and learning by CETL called Developing Future Teachers.
Mr. Sikder wants to work in a data-driven field and education in the future.